
Pepper Spray Grenades - Episode 206

This week Scott talks about living in the future and Dustin explains crowd control. Some of the news topics covered are the NES Classic Shortage, Nintendo Switch price rumors, Mario Run's release date, PSN possibly allowing name changes, Zelda Breath of the Wild being delayed and Conan's hilarious video with Elijah Wood playing Final Fantasy XV. We've both been playing some Sonic and Scott also played Owlboy and Heroes of the Storm. Enjoy!

The Cool Mac Guy - Episode 205

This week Dustin and Scott get right into gaming news. We chat about the Genesis being back in production, Diablo 1 coming to Diablo 3 as a patch, the New 3DS will be $99 on Black Friday, and a kickstarter for a new Sega Genesis game called Coffee Crisis and much more! Some of the games in this episode are Knuckles Chaotix, Shadow Squadron, Owlboy, Lion King and more! Enjoy!

It Looked Like Freedom - Episode 197

This week is the start of The Retro League tournament! This year is the "Best Games of 1991" so be sure to check out our deliberations at the end of the episode as we cast our official podcast vote. Scott is thrilled by a shout-out from Rally Point, an eSport podcast from The Bleacher Report, and Dustin talks about his Army buddies coming to Nashville for a reunion. The game trailer for Owlboy really impressed us and we also talk about Pewdiepie's twitter ban, the AVS NES clone from RetroUSB.com, Konmani said something about Metal Gear Solid V and some fantastic videos about No Man's Sky from Jim Sterling and Paul Taylor. Enjoy!