This week Scott talks about living in the future and Dustin explains crowd control. Some of the news topics covered are the NES Classic Shortage, Nintendo Switch price rumors, Mario Run's release date, PSN possibly allowing name changes, Zelda Breath of the Wild being delayed and Conan's hilarious video with Elijah Wood playing Final Fantasy XV. We've both been playing some Sonic and Scott also played Owlboy and Heroes of the Storm. Enjoy!
Lords of Shadows of Mordors - Episode 118
Josh is Back! This week we manage to frustrate Dustin even more over Halloween. We discuss Majora's Mask coming to 3DS, Mario Kart 8 DLC Multiplayer, Call of Duty getting good reviews, the Atari landfill games, Castlevania IV, and more. Enjoy!
Brick o Blocks?!? - Episode 117
Where is Gooch? He was missed this week but Scott and Dustin were still able to bring together a great show. Scott talks about Halloween, Shadow of Mordor, Pier Solar, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and some Gauntlett. Dustin has been finishing up his 31 Game of Holloween and been playing some rare retro games, Earthbound and Retro Game Challenge. Enjoy!
Episode 112 - Retro Game 401K
Dustin is back for a full episode! He's been on an awesome retro rampage and got a PS4. Josh is finally having some good luck and has been nerding out on MMOs. Scott got into the Heroes of the Storm technical alpha and talks about some retro gaming too.