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Commercialized Insanity - Episode 185

This week we talk about hanging out and playing video games over Memorial Day weekend. We also had a lot of fun with some new live viewers on Twitch! For the news things that caught are attention were Kung Fury 2, Steam selling 500,000 Steam controllers, Thousands banned in Overwatch for cheater, Happily Ever After on NES getting it's ROM dumped, AMD's $200 VR card called the 480, and Oculus's storefront piracy issues. Dustin has been playing Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Max Payne, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD and Brandish: The Dark Revenant. Scott's been enjoying Overwatch, Hearthstone and Rocket league while re-watching his favorite Let's Play of all time, Giant Bomb's Endurance Run of Chrono Trigger.